
Chapter 751 is active in the community by raising funds for Veterans and those in need within the community, collecting and donating food to Panther Pack, and remembering and honoring those who gave all.

The Battlefield Cross:

At ceremonies throughout the year, the Riders perform the Battlefield Cross to remember and honor all of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country. 

The Battlefield Cross is made up of a soldier's belongings.  The rifle is thrust in the ground signifying that the soldier died in battle, fighting to the end.  The boots carry a soldier though the fight for freedom and are placed at the base of the rifle. They are worn and dirty to remind us of that final march.  Dog tags are worn by every service member and are imprinted with information about the individual soldier.  The dog tags are hung from the rifle so that the name of the fallen will never be forgotten.  The helmet is placed on top of the rifle representing what that person stood for and that the battle is over. 

After a set period of time, the memorial is respectfully dismantled, with the components being returned to the unit for appropriate disposition.


The Riders hold their meeting every second Tuesday of the Month at 6:00 PM.

Our Officers:

President....................Ryan Fiscus

Vice President...........Mark Nissel

Secretary....................Don Boinske

Treasurer....................Tom Sinko

Road Captain.............Brad Bower

Asst. Road Captain....Mark Swartz

Chaplain.....................Dave Tyson

Asst. Chaplain...........Bill Stains

Sgt. at Arms..............Jessica Fiscus

Asst. Sgt. at Arms....JR Zimmerman

Historian....................Randy Snyder

Event Coordinator.....Gina Nissel

Liaison Officer...........Brad "Doc" Bower
